Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Holy tidbits of time

I had such a blessed morning, I had to write about it. I went to Faith's house - a Nigerian woman - and led a Bible Study for 5 young Moms with little ones. There was a 5-year-old, an almost 4-year-old and 6 little ones between the ages of 8 months and 2. It was Bible Study in motion. We have no baby sitter. The Moms: Faith from Nigeria, Joy also from Nigeria, Evelyn from Ghana, Valerie from Ohio and Alyona from Moscow - as in Russia, not Idaho! Everyone speaks English but, at different levels and way different accents. At least Val and I tend to be able to understand each other most of the time! HA!

Last night it rained buckets but, this morning the sun was shining (thank you, Lord) so at least the kids could go out and play.

I had some long passages of scripture to read but, quickly abandoned that as I knew the little ones would not let us have peace for that long. So, we would read maybe 3-4 verses and then discuss those in detail and then move on. After a while I noticed a precise pattern: one of the ladies would read the verses, I would ask a couple questions and then we would discuss what the verses meant and how they apply to our lives. Then one or more children would start crying or screaming or....whatever! Moms would jump up, fix whatever was wrong, get some snacks or juice for the kids, sit back down and then we would read a few verses, ask questions, discuss, apply and then....cry or scream, fix, serve, sit back down.....and on we went.

I realized after about 3-4 cycles that the Holy Spirit was in control and He was allowing us those moments of calm to focus on His Word in between chaos. It was so plain to see and such a blessed time. Thank you, Lord! And thank You for these wonderful Moms that want to study Your Word and pray for their children. Thank You that they all welcome each other and are so kind and loving to each others' kids. Just Thank You, Lord - I think this is becoming my favorite day of the week!

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